Jezebel Joy Behar the God hating Atheist Defends Pelosi’s Speech-Ripping Tantrum at SOTU

‘When They Go Low, We Go Lower’: Seems like an accurate slogan for the Democrat Party Jamie White | Info Wars – “The View” host Joy Behar vehemently defended House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to tear up President Trump’s State of the Union speech. Behar launched into an unhinged rant Wednesday justifying Pelosi’s disgraceful action, … Click Here to Read More

Jezebel Joy Behar: The Scientist/PHd Expert on Cancer Cure!

Stop the Presses and halt all work immediately! “ Climate Change Could Stop Joe Biden Curing Cancer” Well I am so glad that Climatologist Dr. Joy is on the case and is advising the country with her expertise in the many fields she is aptly qualified to opine on! I sleep really good at night … Click Here to Read More