Who am I? I am Incestuous, an Adulterer, a Fraudster and a Thief!

If you guessed Ilhan Omar, you are correct! This Somali Muslim Hussy is not only the epitome of an Ass Clown (see award below), she is the epitome of Jezebel! She hates American and is doing everything to destroy our way of life and trying to bring in Sharia Law. Oh, and she is a … Click Here to Read More

Wacko Feminists want Men to Pay for Toilet Paper in Public Restrooms

Why? Because it is not fair that women have to pay for Tampons and other feminine  products to sop up their mess! Oh BTW, the Tranny’s are exempt from this Lunacy because they don’t know what the hell they are. Clown World: ‘Period Activists’ Say Men Should Have to Pay for Toilet Paper in Public … Click Here to Read More

Feminists have gone off their Rocker – Enter into Lunatic Land

Two Ass Clown— Feminist— Jezebel Bimbo’s have gone full-blown Lunatic! And I will also add that they are “Silly Women“!! There must be a talking point circulating among these Reprobates. See this: New Feminist Trend? Castrate Men, Save their Sperm, Tax them for it Until it Gets Used to Prevent Abortion! Bat-Crap Crazy Liberal Feminist … Click Here to Read More

Christine Blasey Ford is too Afraid to Fly to DC

However She Plotted Move to New Zealand after 2016 Election and attended the University of Hawaii!  Sounds to me like this Jezebel has some Mental Problems and needs to be Delivered! When this is all over it would NOT surprise me that we find out that she committed Suicide, or was Arkancided shortly after. Then … Click Here to Read More

Christine Blasey Ford

Like the car “Christine” in Stephen King’s novel of the same name, Christine Ford seems haunted by past trauma, but her timing belt is off. She’s waited over 30 years to scrape rust from her memory and come forward with accusations toward an honorable man who should become our next Supreme Court Justice. She has … Click Here to Read More