Washington’s Clown Show
The Kavanaugh hearing turned in to a literal Clown show featuring the Communist Democrats! Dianne Feinstein was the lead Clown with all of her cohorts grand standing like the Fools they are!
The Kavanaugh hearing turned in to a literal Clown show featuring the Communist Democrats! Dianne Feinstein was the lead Clown with all of her cohorts grand standing like the Fools they are!
Like the car “Christine” in Stephen King’s novel of the same name, Christine Ford seems haunted by past trauma, but her timing belt is off. She’s waited over 30 years to scrape rust from her memory and come forward with accusations toward an honorable man who should become our next Supreme Court Justice. She has … Click Here to Read More
Dianne Feinstein: 2018 Elections Will Be Another ‘Year of the Woman’ Well, seeing how multitudes of women are wearing “Pussy hats” and a “pussy” is also know as a “Pussy Cat”, I dedicate this song by Al Stewart “Year of the Cat”! Oh and a Whore House is also called a “Cat House”! Happy “Year … Click Here to Read More