D.T.D.D = Democrat Truth Derangement Disease

It is caused by the same virus that was discovered long ago, D.A.D.D = Dumb Ass Democrat Disease that has been spliced with the more recent T.D.D – Trump Derangement Disease! It does not infect only Communist Democrats either! Democrats, and their R.I.N.O Cohorts, wander around like Zombies because what little brains they had…, shriveled … Click Here to Read More

2021 G7 Ass Clowns

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right… Joe Biden put in a fumbling, mumbling, bumbling performance at the G-7 Summit. He’s a clown who does as he’s told and what he does is carry out the globalists’ desire for Agendas 21 and 30. It’s always the same—the climate change bunk is pushed … Click Here to Read More

D.A.D.D. Dumb Ass Democrat Disease

Democrat, The Fake News is playing Jedi Mind Control on you weaklings! All you have to do is ask the LORD to Break the SPELL that the Communist Democrats have cast on you! He will Break the Chains of Mental Bondage, YOU WILL SEE THE TRUTH and that TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! John 8:32 … Click Here to Read More

Ass – Donkey Scripture

  Genesis 12:16, Genesis 22:3, Genesis 24:35, Genesis 32:5, Genesis 34:28, Genesis 42:26, Exodus 13:13, Exodus 23:12, Exodus 34:20, Numbers 22:21-33, Numbers 31:34, Numbers 31:45, Deuteronomy 22:10, Joshua 15:18, Judges 1:14, Judges 5:10, Judges 15:15-16, 1 Samuel 25:23, 2 Samuel 16:1, 2 Kings 6:25, 1 Chronicles 5:21, 2 Chronicles 28:15, Job 6:5, Job 24:5, Job … Click Here to Read More

Joe Biden is Numero Uno!

Biden: Families Must Be ‘Wearing Masks’ ‘Inside the Home’ Over Thanksgiving Democrat presidential nominee claims he’s been advised by unnamed ‘health experts’ You’re Number One on my list! Neon Nettle – Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has warned that families must be “wearing masks” during Thanksgiving celebrations, even when they are “inside the home.” Biden … Click Here to Read More

Swamp Creature Lindsey Graham

I have never trusted Lindsey Graham. I think he is part of the Thespian’s that are Gaslighting the whole country, especially Republicans! He has had many opportunities to expose and bring the Corrupt Scum to Justice. He has done NOTHING! He IS ONE OF THEM! Lindsay Graham Kept GOP Judiciary Committee Senators In The Dark … Click Here to Read More

Ass Clown University if Filled to the Brim with Hellywood and Communist Democrats!

So full in fact it is impossible to keep up with and post all of them! Hellywood and Media Communist Democrats Attack Black Naturalized Speakers at the RNC Leftists Hurl Racist Abuse At Black, Naturalized RNC Speakers showing their true colors Steve Watson | News Wars – In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists … Click Here to Read More

The Coven is Destroying America: Their Cauldron Needs to be Emptied!

Dismantle The Squad Before They Dismantle America One of the biggest threats to the country exposed Jon Bowne | News Wars – Leftist nation-loathing and neglect from voters installed the enemy that is destroying America from within. The squad has had a major part in the transformation of the Democrats from a bleeding heart liberal … Click Here to Read More

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan

Seattle Mayor Endorses Lawless Far-Left Autonomous Zone, Calls CHAZ a ‘Peaceful Expression of Our Community’s Collective Grief’ Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” 2nd Timothy 3:6-7 “For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers … Click Here to Read More